by Michael McGlynn | Jul 1, 2020 | prjprj-by-month
Summer warmth gives way to heat Its getting hotter now, even in the North. So you want to keep plants looking healthy, by dead-heading spent blooms: that way you get a longer display of colour. Watering is crucial (ideally with saved rain water). Weeds may still...
by Michael McGlynn | Jun 1, 2020 | prjprj-by-month
Summer is here, with warmth and more light The extra light means the garden is in over drive. Tree’s, plants and shrubs compete for space and the wild life regenerates. Weeds come out of hiding during June, so keep vigilant. We use wildlife friendly products to...
by Michael McGlynn | May 5, 2020 | prjprj-by-month
Spring calls Summer Your bulbs have had their rush of colour and herbaceous borders race for the light. You can now start sowing and planting in earnest. Time to break out the lawn mower, making sure blades are sharp and you begin your feeding and cutting cycle....
by Michael McGlynn | Apr 1, 2020 | prjprj-by-month
Spring is here, with sunshine and showers Trees start to bloom as light warms the earth and daffodils burst through the woken grasses. Yep, its lawn time, the question is, how green and lush do you want to make it?Your indoor seed should be well into growth and its...
by Michael McGlynn | Mar 1, 2020 | prjprj-by-month
Spring is heading your way Its warm enough now to clean up your greenhouse, preparing seed beds, sowing seed and cutting back the last of the winter shrubs. Your borders could do with a ‘short back and sides’ as well. Time to get connected with the earth...